
  • Kaluf B, Pousett B, Wurdeman SR. (2019). Outcome Measures Selection Case Studies. 45th Academy Annual Meeting & Scientific Symposium, Orlando, USA.

  • Meeting & Scientific Symposium, Orlando,Campbell, J., Hafner, B., Hahn, A., Kautman, K., Lundstrom, R., Pousett, B., Sabolich, S.  (2018) Outcomes and Evidence Based Practice in P&O: How Are You Documenting Value in Your Clinic and Using it to Improve Reimbursement, American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association National Assembly, Vancouver, Canada. 

  • Cho, E., Pousett, B..  (2018). Electrodermal Activity (EDA) as a Method of Measuring Balance Confidence in Individuals with Lower-limb Amputations: A Pilot Study, American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association National Assembly, Vancouver, Canada. 

  • Rapaport, M, Chan, N. (2018).  The Value of Corelations Between Outcome Measures to Clinical Practice, American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association National Assembly, Vancouver, Canada. 

  • Pousett, B., Campbell, L., Lau, A., Lizcano, A., Janzen, E., Murphy, D., Halsted, N., Raschke, S. (2018). Investigating Socket Strength: How do 3D Printing Techniques compare to Traditional Fabrication Methods, Orthotics Prosthetics Canada National Conference, Ottawa, Canada.

  • Pousett, B., Cho, E., Wakeling, J., Pollock, C.. (2018). EDA as a method of measuring balance confidence in individuals with lower-limb amputation: A pilot study,  Orthotics Prosthetics Canada National Conference, Ottawa, Canada.

  • Pousett, B. (2018). How to Use Outcome Measures in Clinical Practice. Orthotics Prosthetics Canada National Conference, Ottawa, Canada

  • Pousett, B., Budzinski, C., Labbé, D., Bennett, J., Cave, S., Plough, A., Swantje, L., Weiss, E., Miller, B. (2018). Examining Factors that Affect how Older Adults with Amputations Use their Prosthesis after Prosthetic Training, Orthotics Prosthetics Canada National Conference, Ottawa, Canada

  • Pousett, B. (2016) Clinical Approach to Outcome Measures, British Columbia Institute of Technology Prosthetics & Orthotics Program, Burnaby, Canada.

  • Pousett, B. (2016) Introduction to Outcome Measures, Prosthetics and Orthotics Association of British Columbia In-service, Kelowna, Canada.

  • Pousett, B. (2016) SnapShot of Patient Centered Care, Gainesville Prosthetics, Gainesville, USA.

  • Pousett, B, Rapaport, M, Ruder, G, Whitney, A. (2016) Addressing the Barriers: The Development of a P&O Specific Outcome Measures Tool, Orthotics & Prosthetics Canada Conference, Banff, Canada.

  • Pousett, B. (2016) Living the Vision: Transforming out Clinical Care towards Evidence Based Decision Making, Orthotics & Prosthetics Canada Conference, Banff, Canada.

  • Pousett, B. (2016) SnapShot of Patient Centered Care, Orthotics & Prosthetics Canada Conference, Banff, Canada.

  • Pousett, B. (2016) Clinical Data Collection, Orthotics & Prosthetics Canada Conference, Banff, Canada.

  • Pousett, B. (2016) Outcomes in Action, GF Strong Research Day, Vancouver, Canada.

  • Pousett, B. (2016) Outcomes in Action, American Academy of Orthotics and Prosthetics Lower Limb Prosthetic and Gait Society Forum, Orlando, USA.

  • Pousett, B. (2016) Cool Tools for Gait Analysis, Lions Gait Hospital Physiotherapy In-service, North Vancouver, Canada.

  • Rapaport, M.S. (2017) The Value of Quantified Patient Care: A Retrospective Review of Using Outcomes in Clinical Practice. GF Strong Research Day, Vancouver, Canada.

  • Moe, D., Rapaport, M.S. (2017) "Can Data Really Improve my Rehabilitation Experience?” Amputee Coalition of America National Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, USA.

  • Pousett, B. (2017) An 18-Month Review of Implementing Outcome Measures in Clinical Practice. American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Poster Presentations: 

  • Pousett, B., Budzinski, C., Labbé, D., Bennett, J., Cave, S., Plough, A., Swantje, L., Weiss, E., Miller, B. (2018). Examining Use of Lower Limb Prostheses in Older Adults with Amputations Following Inpatient Prosthetic Training, American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association National Assembly, Vancouver, Canada. 

  • Pousett, B., Lizcano, A., Janzen, E., Murphy, D., Halsted, N., Raschke, S. (2017). A pilot investigation of the socket strength of 3D printed sockets. American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists, Las Vegas, Nevada.


  • Pousett B, Lizcano A, Raschke SU. (2019). An Investigation of the Structural Strength of Transtibial Sockets Fabricated Using Conventional Methods and Rapid Prototyping Techniques. Canadian Prosthetics & Orthotics Journal. 2(1)

  • Campbell, L., Lau, A., Pousett, B., Janzen, E., Raschke, S.  (2018).  How Infill Percentage Affects the Ultimate Strength of 3D-Printed Transtibial Sockets During Initial Contact. Canadian Prosthetics & Orthotic Journal. 1(2).

  • Ferigo, D., Merhi, L.K., Pousett, B., Xiao, Z.G., Menon, C. (2017). A Case Study of a Force-myography Controlled Bionic Hand Mitigating Limb Position Effect. Journal of Bionic Engineering. 14(4): 692-705.

  • Ahmadizadeh, C., Merhi, L.K., Pousett, B., Sangha, S., Menon, C. (2017). Toward Intuitive Prosthetic Control:Solving Common Issues Using Force Myography, Surface Electromyography, and Pattern Recognition in a Pilot Case Study. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine. 24(4): 202-111.

  • Cho, E., Chen, R., Merhi, L.K., Xiao, Z.G., Pousett, B., Menon, C. (2016). Force Myography to Control Robotic Upper Extremity Prostheses: A Feasibility Study. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 4(18): 12.

  • Orendurff, M. S., Raschke, S. U., Winder, L., Moe, D., Boone, D. A., & Kobayashi, T. (2016). Functional level assessment of individuals with transtibial limb loss: Evaluation in the clinical setting versus objective community ambulatory activity. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering.3: 1-6.

  • Raschke, S.U., Orendurff, M.S.,  Mattie, J.L., Kenyon, D.E.A., Jones, O.Y.,  Moe, D., Winder, L., Wong, A.S., Moreno-Hernández, A., Highsmith, M.J., et al. (2015). Biomechanical characteristics, patient preference and activity level with different prosthetic feet: a randomized double blind trial with laboratory and community testing. Journal of Biomechanics. 48(1):146-152.

  • Pousett, B. (2016) “Everyone is Talking Outcome Measures. What do patients say?” Alignment 2016.

  • Rapaport, M.S. (2016) “Outcome Measures" Alignment 2016.

  • Pousett, B. (2016) “Our Journey to Cybathlon: Developing an Intuitive Upper Extremity Control Strategy”. Alignment 2016.

  • Pousett, B., Moe, D., Schubert, L. (2017) “Incorporating Outcome Measures into Daily Practice: A Clinicians’ Perspective”. Alignment 2017.

  • Rapaport, M.S. (2017) “ Let the Records Show: The Value of Electronic Medical Records in O&P Care”. Alignment2017.

  • Pousett, B. (2017) “3D Printing is Coming to Our Clinics: The Question is...Who’s Bringing it?”. Alignment 2017.

  • Clow, A., Murphy, D. (2017) “Technician Perspective on Emerging P&O Technology: A Focus on 3D Printing”. Alignment 2017.

  • Pousett, B. (2017) “Motivating Patients, Improving Care: A Case Study of Outcome Measures in Practice”. The O&PEdge.