A New & Improved Barber Space


In January 2020, Barber Prosthetics embarked on a very big project. It took 7 weeks…and then a few more weeks. It was hard, tiring, and took hundreds of hours. At times, it drained our patience. It took teamwork and expertise; it took stamina and persistence. It took dedication and good humour. It took strength, and loyalty, and a good dose of blind faith and trust. It took many hands and many minds. But it got done and we are so very proud of the end result. Shout out and THANK YOU to Chandos Construction for all their wonderful work!


Our clinic renovation was well worth it all! We remained open throughout the renovation and managed to do so by being very creative, and very cramped. We thank you, our patients for your patience throughout the process.


Our clinic space is now completely updated and spanking new. We now have more patient rooms to serve you better and more efficiently. There is glass throughout the clinic to brighten our space and let in light for a more welcoming and spacious look. Our new reception desk is a very welcoming sight for our patients and other visitors and has a glass partition for safety and good vision. The openness of the front office feels so very inviting!

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The COVID-19 pandemic has put a bit of a damper on us being able to share the full space with our favourite people (our patients!). Our reception coffee bar has yet to be opened and our seating area in reception with its new colourful comfy chairs are still covered in plastic (sorry!). When the BC Health restrictions are over, we look forward to welcoming patients and their families to wait in the reception area and chat and visit. We can hardly wait! We miss this too! We will be happy when we can show you the full new space and allow you to once again move freely about the clinic. COVID-19 safety protocols prohibits this and dictates that patients must stay in their designated patient room throughout their visit and that they come on their own whenever possible. We look forward to being able to once again provide reading material and toys for the kids.


We remain open in our new (old) space and we remain steadfastly dedicated and determined to give our patients the best in prosthetic care. And of course our newly renovated and improved clinic space is helping us do this. Give us a call and make an appointment now!
