Vancouver Adaptive Snow Sports

Over the past ski/snowboard season I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to volunteer
with VASS (Vancouver Adaptive Snow Sports) on Grouse Mountain. Every Tuesday night I ended
my work day and headed up the mountain to teach some amazing kids how to “shred”. VASS
provides all kinds of adaptive equipment and trained instructors to teach kids and adults how to
ski or board. No matter your (dis)ability or skill level – VASS caters it’s instruction to varying
needs and often has two instructors per student (so you have lots of extra help getting back up
if you fall!). If you are interested in trying out a mountain sport next winter, or are looking for
more information you can check out their website at or chat with Tessa next time you
are in. See you on the slopes!

Steve: From Injury to Advocacy

Through Steve’s journey he was battling degenerative conditions from his initial injuries, effectively every step every day was like “a blowtorch on his ankle.” This culminated in his election to have a below knee amputation of his right leg in August of 2016. Of critical significance in this decision was Steve’s level of comfort with his medical team, from his skilled surgeon, to the amazing rehabilitation staff at GF Strong, to the consummate and savvy professionals at Barber Prosthetics. All have been instrumental in Steve’s launch back into the life he loves, which just recently has included running for the first time in over a decade. Check out the story here.


As previously mentioned, Steve considers himself an advocate for those with disabilities whom find themselves marginalized. Serendipitously, in 2016 Steve became neighbours and good friends with the CEO of Paraworkforce Ltd. They share a vision to improve the lives of people with disabilities and as such plan to partner to create a North American division of Paraworkforce, whose mission statement is to provide pathways for those with mobility impairment to achieve careers in roles where they themselves feel valued, while providing significant value to their company and their community at large. 

And of course Steve especially thanks his family and friends for their unwavering support, specifically his wife April and their daughter Madison.  Now on to the wakeboarding, surfing, hiking, biking, skydiving...