Barber Goes to Banff: OPC 2016

The first week of August, Barber drove out to Banff to attend Orthotics and Prosthetics Canada’s Biannual Conference. The whole crew was on board including our clinicians, technicians, admin staff, residents and practicum student from Germany. We shared our colleagues’ excitement at the pre-conference workshop while discussing and opening up possibilities for the future of prosthetics and orthotics when embracing evidence-based practice and new technologies. The team cheered on Brittany and Dave as they presented on our patient-cantered model of care and how we are using outcome measures in everyday practice. It was a wonderful experience to be able to share our passion for these topics and hear reciprocal excitement and drive from our colleagues! 

We had a great time learning from the manufacturers in our field during the exhibitor workshops and while checking out the exhibit hall. We found new bright and funky laminating materials for cosmetic finishes! It was neat to see our profession using its expertise to expanding its borders and create novel devices such as custom-made rock climbing shoes and ballet shoes for populations with neural impairments and partial-foot amputees. 

Our national conference is not complete without a good ol’ game of baseball! This year prosthetics and orthotics tied but things were settled between the two sides at the hoedown throwdown with some square dancing. We really enjoyed all the presentations and workshops we attended so thank you to all who made this possible. It was lovely to catch up with old friends and make new friendships across the country, and even internationally! We are already looking forward to Ottawa in 2018 and hearing how everyone’s practice has developed as we begin to delve into evidence-based practice!